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Crickhowell Community Primary School

Crickhowell Community Primary School

Year 5



Topic for this half term:


Any further details about this term’s topic:


This term’s topic of Discovery will cover the start of industrialisation in the Victorian Era and look forward to future discoveries and inventions.

We have carried out our EPIC and children have expressed an interest in finding out about:-

The history of Cadbury and chocolate

The invention of cars and aeroplanes

The way of life of poor and rich Victorian children

The rights and wrongs of social media

Mine disasters

Space tourism

Robots and AI

Use of fossil fuels from the industrial revolution to today and into the future

In addition to this, Expressive Arts will include learning Young Voices songs, exploring pattern in the style of William Morris, doing Welsh folk dancing and looking at the works of LS Lowry.

In Health and Wellbeing, we will continue weekly PE lessons. Jigsaw will consider ‘Celebrating Differences’ and ‘Dreams and Goals’ this term.

In Literacy, Languages and Communication, children will experience diary entries, debates and discussion writing as well as newspaper reports and literature from the Victorian era, e.g. Charles Dickens. 

There are also a few competitions that we will be entering; for example the Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Support for Refugees poster and poetry competition, and the Young Writers competition.

Maths and Numeracy will continue to include Big Maths which supports the children’s mental skills and the weekly CLIC test.

Other special occasions this term will be the Welsh Day on February 21st and Safer Internet Day on February 11th .


We are very aware of the costs of trips, especially this academic year with Young Voices in January and a residential in the summer (more news coming soon) but if the opportunity arises for an educational visit, we will aim to make it as affordable as possible.


Spelling lists for the term are already on Google Classroom. Children can access this by using their Hwb email.

Please could you also help your child with learning their times tables. By Year 5, they should know all the times tables up to 12.

If you have any information, knowledge or interesting artefacts from the Victorian era, about inventions or any of the above topics and you are happy to share this with the children, then please get in touch.


Takeaway homework sheets can be found in the orange homework book and will be taken home on the weekend and brought back in on the following Tuesday ready for marking. The children can choose one task per weekend where there is a variety of activities available. These tasks can be completed in the homework book or shared via the Google classroom stream. Every other weekend, Maths homework will be sent out to consolidate the learning that’s taken place in the weekly maths lessons.


Our PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday where outdoor kit will be needed. Please ensure the children have warm clothes and plenty to drink. A white or school PE t-shirt, blue or black joggers/shorts and trainers will be needed. If your child is asthmatic and needs an inhaler for PE please make sure they have them in school with them.

Young Voices

On the 13th January, Y5/6 will be going to Birmingham and taking part in Young Voices. This is an event the school have been attending for the past 7 years. It’s a fantastic opportunity to be in a choir with other children from around the country and sing with a live band and dancers. A letter has already been sent home regarding the details, please return these asap so we can place the t-shirt order. Any problems please contact us.