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Crickhowell Community Primary School

Crickhowell Community Primary School

Year 6


Year 6

Topic for this term:


Any further details about this term’s topics:


This term, our topic is ‘Cynefin’, where we think about where we belong, focussing on Wales and Europe. We have carried out our EPIC session and the children would like to find out about:-

  • European myths and legends
  • farming in Wales
  • volcanoes and tectonic plates
  • European foods, sports and religions
  • tourist attractions
  • poetry
  • climate change and the natural world
  • the geography of Europe including mountains and rivers
  • Ancient Greece
  • German language
  • non-chronological report-writing and other information texts

In addition to this:-

In Expressive Arts, we will be working towards our Young Voices concert in January, as well as putting on a Christmas concert and celebrating Harvest in church.

In Health and Wellbeing, we will have weekly PE sessions and taking part in tournaments.

We are very aware of the costs of trips, especially this academic year with Young Voices in January and a residential in the summer (more news coming soon) but if the opportunity arises for an educational visit, e.g. to a local farm, we will aim to make it as affordable as possible.

Days which PE kit will be needed:

For P.E. lessons children will need to wear a white polo shirt, sweatshirt/hoodie, black shorts or black jogging bottoms and black trainers. P.E. lessons will take place on a Monday afternoon, so hoodies should not be worn on other days, except for sports tournaments.

Any other ways parents can help (e.g. help needed with readers, items that can be sent in related to the topic)

A homework menu will be provided at the start of each term. We expect the children to do one item from the menu every other week. On the weeks in between, we will provide some Maths homework to consolidate learning. Homework books will come home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Tuesday.

Spelling lists for the term are already on Google Classroom. Children can access this by using their Hwb email.

Please ensure that your child has their reading book in school every day and we ask that you read with them often. In preparation for high school, we ask that children take their book home every day and return it to school the following day.

Please could you also help your child with learning their times tables. By Year 6, they should know all the times tables up to 12.

If you have any information or knowledge about Europe, Wales or any of the above topics and you are happy to share this with the children, then please get in touch.

Any other general reminders (not specific to your class) that you think should be included on the information sheet.

We have already started going to Greenhill on a Wednesday afternoon to spend time socialising with the residents. Year 6 will have several visits this term. Thank you for the parents who have volunteered to accompany us.

Your child will need a healthy snack at break time and may bring a water bottle to school. Please ensure all clothing and water bottles are labelled with your child’s name.

If you have any questions or wish to contact the Year 6 class teachers, our email addresses are as follows:

Many thanks, Mr Oram and Miss Witt.